How may a bully react if a spider began to fly?
Once there was a bully picking on people, But the bully was reacting he saw a spider flying in the air.
The flying spider flew in the air and landed on the bully's head, it crawls on him and flings off into the air. The bully reacted and he was scared, so he ran away but the spider was chasing the bully. The spider landed on the bully’s arm but he fringed off again, nowhere to be found again
L.I to understand and apply different structures.
Today I have been working on my Google docs on the three words "simple, Compound and complex". We had to write a sentence having a "simple, Compound and complex sentence". I have wrote a fun story and the colours mean that their are different sentences and different pieces of work.
The thing that I found difficult was he word "complex" because I didn't know what it means but I have finally figured it out.